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Journal Articles


Boys RM, Kot BCW, Lye G, Beausoleil NJ, Hunter S, Stockin KA (2024). Evaluation of ballistics euthanasia applied to stranded cetaceans using ethological and post-mortem computed tomography assessment. veterinary Research Communications. PDF

Reeves IM, Totterdell JA, Betty EL, Donnelly DM, George A, Holmes S, Moller L, Stockin KA, Wellard R, White C, Foote AD. (2023). Ancestry testing of "Old Tom," a killer whale central to mutualistic interactions with human whalers. Journal of Heredity. 114(6), 598-611. PDF


Hamilton ON, Fewster RM, Low P, Johnson F, Lea C., Stockin KA, van der Linde K, Constantine R. (2023). Estimating abundance of a small population of Bryde's whales: A comparison between aerial surveys and boat-based platforms of opportunity. Animal Conservation. PDF

Betty EL, Zwamborn EMJ, Weyn M, Luck E, Alves F (2023). Life History Parameters, Sociobiology, and Reproductive Strategies of Pilot Whales. In: Würsig B, Orbach DN (eds) Sex in Cetaceans. Springer, Cham. PDF

Stockin KA, Machovsky-Capuska GA, Palmer EL, Amiot CH (2023). Multidimensional trace metals and nutritional niche differ between sexually immature and mature common dolphins (Delphinus delphis). Environmental Pollution 333. PDF

Palmer EI, Betty EL, Murphy S, Perrott MR, Smith ANH, Stockin KA (2023). Reproductive biology of male common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in New Zealand waters. Marine Biology 170: 153. PDF

Boys RM, Beausoleil NJ, Hunter S, Betty EL, Hinton B, Stockin KA (2023). Assessing animal welfare during a stranding of pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuata). Marine Mammal Science. PDF


Boys RM, Stockin KA, Peters KJ (2023). Why do marine mammals strand on land and how can humans help? Frontiers for Young Minds. PDF




Betty EL, Stockin KA, Hinton B, Bollard B, Orams MB, Murphy S (2023). Age- and sex-specific survivorship of the Southern Hemisphere long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas edwardii). Journal of Mammalogy 104(1):39-48. PDF

Peters KJ, Gerber L, Scheu L, Cicciarella R, Zoller JA, Fei Z, Horvath S, Allen SJ, King S, Connor RC, Rollins LA, Krützen M (2023). An epigenetic DNA methylation clock for age estimates in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). Evolutionary Applications 16:126-133. PDF

Palmer EI, Betty El, Murphy S, Perrott MR, Smith ANH, Stockin KA (2022). Reproductive biology of female common dolphins (Delphinus delphis). Marine Biology 169: 158. PDF

Boys RM, Beausoleil NJ, Pawley MDM, Littlewood KE, Betty EL, Stockin KA (2022). Identification of potential welfare and survival indicators for stranded cetaceans through international, interdisciplinary expert opinion. Royal Society Open Science 9(10):220646. PDF

Hague EL, McCaffrey N, Stockin KA, Orbach DN (2022). Previously undocumented long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) placental expulsion in coastal waters of Shetland, United Kingdom. Aquatic Mammals 48(6): 610-616. PDF


Bossley M, Steiner A, Parra GJ, Saltré F, Peters KJ (2022). Dredging activity in a highly urbanised estuary did not affect the long-term occurrence of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins and long-nosed fur seals. Marine Pollution Bulletin: 114183. PDF

Hinton B, Stockin KA, Bury SJ, Peters KJ, Betty EL (2022). Isotopic niche analysis of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas edwardii) in Aotearoa New Zealand Waters. Biology 11(10): 1414 PDF

Stockin KA, Pawley MDM, Jarvis RM, Boys RM (2022). Examining the role of human perceptions during cetacean stranding response in New Zealand. Marine Policy 145: 105283. PDF


Peters KJ, Bury SJ, Hinton B, Betty EL, Casano-Bally D, Parra GJ, Stockin KA (2022). Too close for comfort: Isotopic niche segregation in New Zealand's odontocetes. Biology 11(8): 1179. PDF 


Peters KJStockin KA, Saltré F (2022). On the rise: Climate change in New Zealand will cause sperm and blue whales to seek higher latitudes. Ecological Indicators 142:109235. PDF  THE CONVERSATION

Boys RM, Beausoleil NJ, Pawley MDM, Betty ELStockin KA (2022). Evaluating potential cetacean welfare indicators from video of live stranded long-finned pilot whales. Animals 12 (1861). PDF

Kiszka JJ, Bejder L, William Davis R, Harcourt R, Meekan M, Horacio Rodriguez R, Stockin KA (2022). Small cetacean conservation: current challenges and opportunities. Frontiers in Marine Science. PDF


Stockin KA,  Amiot C, Meynier LM, Purvin C, Machovsky-Capuska GE (2022). Understanding common dolphin and Australasian gannet feeding associations from an ethological and nutritional perspective. ICES Journal of Marine Science. PDF

Palmer E, Alexander A, Liggins L, Guerra M, Bury SJ, Hendriks H, Stockin KA, Peters KJ (2022). A piece of the puzzle: Analyses of recent strandings and historical records reveal new genetic and ecological insights on New Zealand sperm whales. Marine Ecology Progress Series 690: 201-217. PDF

Parra GJP, Wojtkowiak Z, Peters KJ, Cagnazzi D (2022). Isotopic niche overlap between sympatric Australian snubfin and humpback dolphins. Ecology and Evolution 12(5): e8937. PDF


Boys RM, Beausoleil NJ, Pawley MDM, Littlewood KE, Betty ELStockin KA (2022). Fundamental concepts, knowledge gaps and key concerns relating to welfare and survival of stranded cetaceans. Diversity 14(338). PDF

Fetterman T, Fiori T, Gillman L, Stockin KA, Bollard B (2022). Drone surveys are more accurate than boat-based surveys of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Drones 6(4): 82 PDF

Boys RM, Beausoleil NJ, Betty ELStockin KA (2022). When and how to say goodbye: an analysis of standard operating procedures that guide end-of-life decision-making for stranded cetaceans in Australasia. Marine Policy 138C: 104949. PDF


Betty ELStockin KA, Hinton B, Bollard BA, Smith ANH, Orams MB, Murphy S (2022). Age, growth and sexual dimorphism of the Southern Hemisphere long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas edwardii). Journal of Mammalogy. PDF





Clarke PJ, Cubaynes HC, Stockin KA, Olavarría C, de Vos A, Fretwell PT, Jackson JA (2021). Cetacean stranding from space: challenges and opportunities of very high resolution satellites for the remote monitoring of cetacean mass strandings. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 650735. PDF

Stockin KA, Pantos O, Betty EL, Pawley MDM, Doake F, Masterton H, Palmer EI, Perrott MR, Nelms SE, Machovsky-Capuska GE (2021). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis identifies micro plastics in stranded common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) from New Zealand waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 173: 113084. PDF


Stockin KA, Yi S, Northcott GL, Betty EL, Machovsky-Capuska GE, Jones B, Perrott MR, Law RJ, Rumsby A, Thelen MA, Graham L, Palmer EI, Tremblay LA (2021). Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), trace elements and life history parameters of mass-stranded common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in New Zealand. Marine Pollution Bulletin 173: 112896. PDF


Parra GJ, Bilgmann K, Peters KJ, Möller LM (2021). Abundance and potential biological removal of common dolphins subject to fishery impacts in South Australian waters. Frontiers in Marine SciencePDF


Santos RG, Machovsky-Capuska GE, Andrades R (2021). Plastic ingestion as an evolutionary trap: toward a holistic understanding. Science 373 (6550): 56-60. PDF


Reeves IM, Totterdell JA, Barcélo A, Sandoval-Castillo J, Batley KC, Stockin KA, Betty EL, Donnelly DM, Wellard R, Beheregaray LB, Möller LM (2021). Population genomic structure of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Australian and New Zealand waters. Marine Mammal Science. PDF

Clegg ILK, Boys, RM, Stockin KA (2021). Increasing awareness of animal welfare science in marine mammal conservation: addressing language, translation and reception issues. Animals 11(6):1596. PDF

Boys RM, Beausoleil NJ, Betty EL, Stockin KA (2021). Deathly silent: exploring the global lack of data relating to stranded cetacean Euthanasia. Animals 11(5):1460. PDF

Stockin KA (2021) The beachcombers guide to marine debris inserted by the press, Stachowitsch, Michael Springer Nature Switzerland AG,  Cham, Switzerland.  2019. Marine Mammal Science, 37: 763-765. PDF

Nelms SE, Alfaro-Shigueto J, Arnould JPY, Avila IC, Bengtson Nash S, Campbell E, Carter MID, Collins T, Currey RJC, Domit C, Franco-Trecu V, Fuentes MMBP, Gilman E, Harcourt RG, Hines EM, Hoelzel R, Hooker SK, Johnston DW, Kelkar N, Kiszka JJ, Laidre KL, Mangel JC, Marsh H, Maxwell SM, Onoufriou AB, Palacios DM, Pierce GJ, Ponnampalam LS, Porter LJ, Russell DJF, Stockin KA, Sutaria D, Wambiji N, Weir CR, Wilson B, Godley BJ (2021). Marine mammal conservation: over the horizon. Endangered Species Research, 44:291-325. PDF

Barceló A, Sandoval-Castillo J, Stockin KA, Bilgmann K, Attard CM, Zanardo N, Parra GJ, Hupman K, Reeves IM, Betty EL, Tezanos-Pinto G, Beheregaray LB, Möller LM (2021). A matter of scale: population genetic structure and connectivity of fisheries at-risk common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) from Australasia. Frontiers in Marine Science 8. PDF


Lischka A, Betty EL, Braid HE, Took CJ, Gaw S, Bolstad KSR (2021). Trace element concentrations, including Cd and Hg, in long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas edwardii) mass stranded on the New Zealand coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 165:112084. PDF

Fumagalli M, Guerra M, Brough T, Carome W, Constantine R, Higham J, Rayment W, Slooten E, Stockin KA, Dawson S (2021). Looking back to move forward: lessons from three decades of research and management of cetacean tourism in New Zealand. Frontiers in Marine Science 8. PDF

Peters KJ & Stockin KA (2021). Cetacean sighting records in the New Caledonia Basin, Tasman Sea, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 56(1):135-149. PDF



Peters KJ, Bury SJ, Betty EL, Parra GJ, Tezanos-Pinto G, Stockin KA (2020). Foraging ecology of the common dolphin Delphinus delphis revealed by stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 652:173-186. PDF  INFOGRAPHIC

Zaeschmar JR, Tezanos-Pinto G, Dwyer SL, Peters CH, Berghan J, Donnelly D, Meissner AM, Visser IN, Weir JS, Judkins AG, Brought T, Guerra M, Kozmian-Ledward L, Stockin KA (2020). Occurrence, site-fidelity and associations of oceanic common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) off northeastern New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 36(4):1180-1195. PDF

Betty EL, Bollard B, Murphy S, Ogle M, Hendriks H, Orams MB, Stockin KA (2020). Using emerging hot spot analysis of stranding records to inform conservation management of a data-poor cetacean species. Biodiversity and Conservation 29:643–665. PDF


Dwyer SL, Pawley DM, Clement DM, Stockin KA (2020). Modelling habitat use suggests static spatial exclusion zones are a non-optimal management tool for a highly mobile marine mammal. Marine Biology 167:62. PDF


Stockin KA (2019). Marine mammal welfare: Human induced change in the marine environment and its implications on marine mammal welfare. Book Review - Andrew Butterworth, ed ISBN: 978-3-319-46993-5. Springer International Publishing, New York, NY 2017. 625pp. Marine Mammal Science: DOI 10.1111/mms.12606. PDF


Pearson H, Jones PW, Brandon TP, Stockin KA, Machovsky Capuska GE (2019). A biologging perspective to the drivers that shape gregariousness in dolphins. Behavioral Ecology and Socioecology 73:155. PDF


Hamilton V, Evans K, Raymond B, Betty E, Hindell M (2019). Spatial variability in energetic responses to environmental conditions in Southern Hemisphere long-finned pilot whales. Marine Ecology Progress Series 629:207–218. PDF


Betty EL, Stockin KA, Smith ANH, Bollard B, Orams MB, Murphy S (2019). Sexual maturation in male long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas edwardii): defining indicators of sexual maturity. Journal of Mammalogy 100(4):1387–1402. PDF


Bilgmann K, Parra GJ, Holmes L, Peters KJ, Jonsen ID, Möller LM (2019). Abundance estimates and habitat preferences of bottlenose dolphins reveal the importance of two gulfs in South Australia. Scientific Reports 9:8044. PDF

Beasley I, Cherel Y, Robinson S, Betty E, Hagihara R, Gales, R (2019). Stomach contents of long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas, mass-stranded in Tasmania. PLoS ONE 14(1):e0206747. PDF


Torre-Williams L, Meynecke JO, Martinez E, Reinke J and Stockin KA (2019). Presence of newborn humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) calves in Gold Coast Bay, Australia. Marine & Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 52:5, 199-216. PDF


Cecchetti A, Stockin KA, Gordon G and Azevedo JMC (2019). A first assessment of operator compliance and dolphin behavioural responses during swim-with-dolphin programs for three species of Delphinids in the Azores. Arquipelago Life and Marine Science 36:23-37. PDF


Fettermann T, Fiori L, Doshi A, Breen D, Bader, Stockin KA and Bollard-Breen B (2019) Behaviour reactions of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) to multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Scientific Reports, 9:8558. PDF



Beausoleil NJ, Mellor DJ, Baker L, Baker SE, Bellio M, Clarke A, Dale A, Garlick S, Jones B, Harvey A, Pitcher B, Sherwen S, Stockin KA and Zito S (2018). ‘Feelings and Fitness’ not ‘Feelings or Fitness’ – the raison d’être of Conservation Welfare which aligns conservation and animal welfare objectives. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 5. PDF


Pawley M, Hupman K, Stockin KA & Gilman A (2018). Examining the viability of dorsal fin pigmentation for individual identification of poorly-marked delphinids. Scientific Reports 8(1):12593. PDF


Godoy DA & Stockin KA (2018) Anthropogenic impacts on green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in New Zealand. Endangered Species Research 37:1-9. PDF

Machovsky-Capuska G, Miller M,  Fabiola RO, Amiot C, Stockin KA, Senior A, Schuckard R, Melville D & Raubenheimer D (2018). The nutritional nexus: linking niche, habitat variability and prey composition in a generalist marine predator. Journal of Animal Ecology 87(5):1286-1298. PDF


Hupman K, Stockin KA, Pollock K, Pawley M, Dwyer SL, Lea C & Tezanos-Pinto G (2018). Challenges of implementing mark-recapture studies on poorly marked gregarious delphinids: Common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. PLoS One 13(7):e0198167. PDF

Barlow RD, Torres LG, Hodge KB, Steel D, Baker CS, Chandler TE, Bott N, Constantine R, Double MC, Gill P, Glasgow D, Hamner RM, Lilley C, Ogle M, Olson PA, Peters CStockin KA, Tessaglia-Hymes, CT & Klinck H (2018). Documentation of a New Zealand blue whale population based on multiple lines of evidence. Endangered Species Research 36:27-40. PDF





Hupman KE, Pawley MDM, Lea C, Grimes C, Voswinkel S, Roe WD & Stockin KA (2017). Viability of photo-identification as a tool to examine the prevalence of lesions on free-ranging common dolphins (Delphinus sp.). Aquatic Mammals 43(3):264-278. PDF


Filby NE, Christiansen F, Scarpaci C & Stockin KA (2017). Effects of swim-with-dolphin tourism on the behaviour of a threatened species, the Burrunan dolphin (Tursiops australis). Endangered Species Research 32:479-490. PDF


Pearson HC, Jones, PW, Srinivasan M, Lundquist D, Pearson CJ, Stockin KA & Machovsky-Capuska GE (2017). Testing and deployment of C-VISS (Cetacean-borne Video camera and Integrated Sensor System) on wild dolphins. Marine Biology 164:42. PDF


Filby NEStockin KA & Scarpaci C (2017). Can Marine Protected Areas be developed effectively without baseline data? A case study for Burrunan dolphins (Tursiops australis). Marine Policy 77:152-163. PDF

Tezanos-Pinto G, Hupman K, Wiseman N, Dwyer SL, Baker CS, Brooks L, Outhwaite B, Lea C, Stockin KA (2017) Local abundance, apparent survival and site fidelity of Bryde's whales in the Hauraki Gulf (New Zealand) inferred from long-term photo-identification. Endangered Species Research 34:61-73. PDF





Dwyer SL, Clement DM, Pawley MDM & Stockin KA (2016). Distribution and relative density of cetaceans in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 50(3):457-480. PDF


Godoy DA, Smith ANH, Limpus C & Stockin KA (2016). The spatio-temporal distribution and population structure of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 50(4):549-565. PDF


Machovsky-Capuska GE, Senior AM, Benn EC, Tait AH, Schuckard R, Stockin KA, Cook W, Ogle M, Barna K, Melville D, Wright B, Purvin C & Raubenheimer D (2016). Sex-specific macronutrient foraging strategies in a highly successful marine predator: the Australasian gannet. Marine Biology 163:1-14. PDF


Senigaglia V, Christiansen F, Bejder L, Gendron D, Lundquist D, Noren DP, Schaffar A, Smith JC, Williams R, Martinez E, Stockin KA & Lusseau D (2016). Meta-analyses of whale-watching impact studies: Comparisons of cetacean responses to disturbance. Marine Ecology Progress Series 542:251–263. PDF





Filby NEStockin KA & Scarpaci C (2015). Social science as a vehicle to improve dolphin swim tour operator compliance? Marine Policy 51:40-47. PDF


Jordan FFJ, Murphy S, Martinez E, Amiot C, Van Helden A & Stockin KA (2015). Criteria for assessing maturity of skulls in the common dolphin, Delphinus sp., from New Zealand waters. Marine Mammal SciencePDF


Meissner AM, Christiansen F, Martinez E, Pawley MDM, Orams MB & Stockin KA (2015). Behavioural effects of tourism on oceanic common dolphins, Delphinus sp., in New Zealand: the effects of Markov analysis variations and current tour operator compliance with regulations. PLoS ONE 10:e0116962. PDF


Srinivasan M, Dassis M, Benn E, Stockin KA, Martinez E & Machovsky-Capuska GE (2015). Using non-systematic surveys to investigate effects of regional climate variability on Australasian gannets in the Hauraki Gulf. Journal of Sea Research 99:74-82. PDF





Dwyer SLTezanos-Pinto G, Visser IN, Pawley MDM, Meissner AM, Berghan J & Stockin KA (2014). Overlooking a potential hotspot at Great Barrier Island for the nationally endangered bottlenose dolphin of New Zealand. Endangered Species Research 25:97-114. PDF


Dwyer SL, Kozmian-Ledward L & Stockin KA (2014). Short-term survival of severe propeller strike injuries and observations on wound progression in a bottlenose dolphin. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 48:294-302. PDF


Filby NEStockin KA & Scarpaci C (2014). Long-term responses of Burrunan dolphins (Tursiops australis) to swim-with dolphin tourism in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia: a population at risk. Global Ecology and Conservation 2:62-71. PDF


Hupman K, Visser IN, Martinez E & Stockin KA (2014). Using platforms of opportunity to determine the occurrence and group characteristics of orca (Orcinus orca) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 49:132-149. PDF


Machovsky-Capuska GE, Hauber ME, Libby E, Amiot C & Raubenheimer D (2014). The contribution of private and public information in foraging by Australasian gannets. Animal Cognition 17:849–858. PDF


Machovsky Capuska GE, Hauber ME, Dassis M, Libby E, Wikelski MC, Schuckard R, Melville D, Cook W, Houston M & Raubenheimer D (2013). Foraging behaviour and habitat use of chick-rearing Australasian Gannets in New Zealand. Journal of Ornithology 155:379–387. PDF


Murphy S, Perrott M, McVee J, Read FL & Stockin KA (2014). Deposition of growth layer groups in dentine tissue of captive common dolphins Delphinus delphisNAMMCO Scientific Publications 10. PDF


Stockin KA, Amaral AR, Latimer J, Lambert DM & Natoli A (2014). Population genetic structure and taxonomy of the common dolphin (Delphinus sp.) at its southernmost range limit: New Zealand waters. Marine Mammal Science 30:44-63. PDF


Tait AH, Raubenheimer D, Stockin KA, Merriman MGMachovsky-Capuska GE (2014). Nutritional geometry and macronutrient variation in the diets of gannets: the challenges in marine field studies. Marine Biology 161:2791-2801. PDF


Zaeschmar JR, Visser IN, Fertl D, Dwyer SL, Meissner AM, Halliday J, Berghan J, Donnelly D & Stockin KA (2014). Occurrence of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) and their associations with common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) off north-eastern New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 30:594-608. PDF





Filby NE, Bossley M & Stockin KA (2013). Behaviour of free-ranging short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in Gulf St. Vincent, South Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 61:291-300. PDF


Machovsky Capuska GE,  Vaughn-Hirshorn R, Wursig B & Raubenheimer D (2013). Can gannets select their diving profile prior to submergence? Notornis 60:255-257. PDF


Martinez E & Stockin KA (2013). Blunt trauma observed in a common dolphin (Delphinus sp.) likely caused by a vessel collision in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Pacific Conservation Biology 19:19-27. PDF


Tezanos-Pinto G, Constantine R, Brooks L, Jackson JA, Mourão F, Wells S & Baker CS (2013). Decline in local abundance of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 29:E390-E410. PDF


Zaeschmar JRDwyer SL & Stockin KA (2013). Rare observations of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) cooperatively feeding with common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 29:555-562. PDF

Beasley I, Cherel Y, Robinson S, Betty E, Gales, R (2013). Pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps) stranding record in Tasmania, Australia, and diet of a single specimen. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 147:25-32. PDF





Amaral AR, Beheregaray LB, Bilgmann K, Freitas L, Robertson KM, Sequeira M, Stockin KA, Coelho MM & Möller LM (2012). Influences of past climatic changes on historical population structure and demography of a cosmopolitan marine predator, the common dolphin (genus Delphinus). Molecular Ecology 21:4854-4871. PDF


Amaral AR, Beheregaray LB, Bilgmann K, Boutov D, Freitas L, Robertson KM, Sequeira M, Stockin KA, Coelho MM & Möller LM (2012). Seascape genetics of a globally distributed, highly mobile marine mammal: the short-beaked common dolphin (genus Delphinus). PLoS One 7:e31482. PDF


Aidala Z, Huynen L, Brennan PLR, Musser J, Fidler A, Chong N, Machovsky Capuska GE, Anderson MG, Talaba A, Lambert D & Hauber ME (2012). Ultraviolet visual sensitivity in three avian lineages: paleognaths, parrots, and passerines. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 198(7):495-510. PDF

Machovsky Capuska GE, Howland HC, Raubenheimer D, Vaughn-Hirshorn R, Wursig B,Hauber ME & Katzir G (2012). Visual accommodation and active pursuit of prey underwater in a plunge-diving bird: the Australasian gannet. Proceedings of the Royal Society 279:4118-4125. PDF


Martinez E, Orams MB, Pawley MDM & Stockin KA (2012). The use of auditory stimulants during swim encounters with Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori hectori) in Akaroa Harbour, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 28:E295-375. PDF


Petrella VMartinez E, Anderson MG & Stockin KA (2012). Whistle characteristics of common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science. 28:479-496. PDF


Schuckard R, Melville DS, Cook W & Machovsky Capuska GE (2012). Diet of Australasian gannet (Morus serrator) at Farewell Spit, New Zealand. Notornis 59:66-70. PDF




Clemens S, Boss R, Light A & Stockin KA (2011). Attack on little blue penguin by a New Zealand fur seal. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 38:333-336. PDF


Dwyer SL & Visser IN (2011). Cookie cutter shark (Isistius sp.) bites on cetaceans, with particular reference to killer whales (Orca) (Orcinus orca). Aquatic Mammals 37:111-138. PDF

Machovsky Capuska GEDwyer SL, Alley MR, Stockin KA & Raubenheimer D (2011). Evidence for fatal collisions and kleptoparasitism while plunge diving in Gannets. Ibis 153:631-635. PDF

Machovsky Capuska GE, Huynen L, Lambert D & Raubenheimer D (2011). UVS is rare in seabirds. Vision Research 51:1333-1337. PDF


Machovsky Capuska GE, Vaughn RL, Wuersig B, Katzir G & Raubenheimer D (2011). Dive strategies and foraging effort in Australian gannet Morus serrator revealed by underwater videography. Marine Ecology Progress Series 442:255-261. PDF

Martinez E & Orams MB (2011). 'Kia angi puku to hoe i te wai'. Ocean noise and tourism. Tourism in Marine Environments 7:191-202. PDF


Martinez E, Orams MB & Stockin KA (2011). Swimming with an endemic and endangered species: Effects of tourism on Hector's dolphins in Akaroa Harbour, Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Tourism Review International 14:99-115. PDF


Wiseman N, Parsons S, Stockin KA & Baker, CS (2011). Seasonal occurrence and distribution of Bryde's whales in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 27:E253-E267. PDF





Filby NE, Bossley M, Sanderson KJ, Martinez E Stockin KA (2010). Distribution and population demographics of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the Gulf of St. Vincent, South Australia. Aquatic Mammals 36:33-45. PDF


Meynier L, Morel PCH, Chilvers BL, Mackenzie S & Duignan PJ (2010). Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis on New Zealand sea lions: model sensitivity and diet estimates. Journal of Mammalogy 91:1484-1495. PDF


Stockin KA, Law RJ, Roe WD, Meynier LMartinez E, Duignan PJ, Bridgen P & Jones B (2010). PCBs and organochlorine pesticides in Hector’s (Cephalorhynchus hectori hectori) and Maui’s (Cephalorhynchus hectori maui) dolphins. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60:834-842. PDF


Visser IN, Zaeschmar J, Halliday J, Abraham A, Ball P, Bradley R, Daly S, Fatwell T, Johnson T, Johnson W, Kay L, Maessen T, McKay V, Peters T, Turner N, Umuroa B & Pace DS (2010). First record of predation on false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) by killer whales (Orcinus orca). Aquatic Mammals 36:195-204. PDF




Lusseau D, Bain DE, Williams R & Smith JC (2009). Vessel traffic disrupts foraging behaviour of southern resident killer whales. Endangered Species Research 6:211-221. PDF


Merriman MG, Markowitz TM, Harlin-Cognato AD & Stockin KA (2009). Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) abundance, site fidelity and movement patterns in the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand. Aquatic Mammals 35:511-522. PDF


Meynier L, Mackenzie DDS, Duignan PJ, Chilvers BL & Morel PCH (2009) Variability in the diet of New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri) at the Auckland Islands, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 25:302-326. PDF


Stockin KA & Orams MB (2009). The status of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) within New Zealand waters. Journal of Cetacean Research Management SC/61/SM20. PDF


Stockin KA, Binedell V, Wiseman N, Brunton DH & Orams MB (2009). Behaviour of free-ranging common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 25:283-301. PDF


Stockin KA, Duignan PJ, Roe WD, Meynier L, Alley M & Fettermann T (2009). Causes of mortality in stranded common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) from New Zealand waters between 1998 and 2008. Pacific Conservation Biology 15:217-227. PDF


Williams R, Bain DE, Lusseau D & Smith JC (2009). Effects of vessel traffic on behaviour patterns of individual southern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca). Endangered Species Research 6:199-209. PDF

Beatson E, O’Shea S (2009). Stomach contents of long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas, mass-stranded on Farewell Spit, Golden Bay 2005-2008. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 36:47-58. PDF





Berghan J, Algie KD, Stockin KA, Wiseman N, Constantine R, Tezanos-Pinto G & Mourao F (2008).  Photo-identification of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Hauraki Gulf.  New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42:465-472. PDF


Meynier L, Morel PCH, Chilvers BL, Mackenzie DDS, MacGibbon A & Duignan PJ (2008). Temporal and sex differences in the blubber fatty acid profiles of the New Zealand sea lion Phocarctos hookeriMarine Ecology Progress Series 366:271-279. PDF


Meynier LStockin KA, Bando MKH & Duignan PJ (2008). Stomach contents from common dolphin (Delphinus sp.) from New Zealand waters. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42:257-268. PDF


Meynier L, Pusineri C, Spitz J, Santos MB, Pierce GJ & Ridoux V (2008). Intraspecific dietary variation in the short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis in the Bay of Biscay: the importance of fat fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 354:277-287. PDF


Stockin KA, Wiseman N, Hartman A, Moffat N & Roe WD (2008). The use of radiography to determine age class and assist with the post-mortem diagnostics of a Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera brydei). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42:307-313. PDF


Stockin KA, Pierce GJ, Binedell V, Wiseman NJ & Orams MB (2008). Factors affecting the occurrence and demographics of common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) in the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland. Aquatic Mammals 34:200-211. PDF


Stockin KA, Lusseau D, Binedell V, Wiseman NJ & Orams MB (2008). Tourism affects the behaviour budget of common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Marine Ecology Progress Series 355:287-295. PDF


Weir CR, Hepworth K, Sim I & Stockin KA (2008). A long-term opportunistic photo-identification study of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) off Aberdeenshire (UK): Conservation value and limitations. Aquatic Mammals 34:436-447. PDF





Stockin KA, Law RJ, Duignan PJ, Jones GW, Porter L, Mirimin L, Meynier L & Orams MB (2007). Trace elements, PCBs and organochlorine pesticides in New Zealand common dolphins (Delphinus sp.). Science of the Total Environment 333-345. PDF


Pusineri C, Magnin V, Meynier L, Spitz  J, Hassani S & Ridoux V (2007). Food and feeding ecology of the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the oceanic northeast Atlantic and comparison with its diet in neritic areas. Marine Mammal Science 23:30-47. PDF


Weir CR, Stockin KA, & Pierce GJ (2007). Spatial and temporal trends in the relative abundance of harbour porpoises, white-beaked dolphins and minke whales Aberdeenshire (UK), western North Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87:327-338. PDF


Beatson E, O’Shea S, Stone C, and Shortland T (2007). Notes on New Zealand mammals 6. Second report on the stomach contents of long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 34(4):359-362. PDF


Beatson E, O’Shea S, and Ogle M (2007). First report on the stomach contents of long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas, stranded in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 34(1):51-56. PDF


Beatson E (2007). The diet of pygmy sperm whales, Kogia breviceps, stranded in New Zealand: implications for conservation. Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries 17(2-3):295-303. PDF





Burgess EA, Booth DT & Lanyon JM (2006). Swimming performance of hatchling green turtles is affected by incubation temperature. Coral Reefs 25:341-349. PDF


Neumann DR & Orams MB (2006). Impacts of ecotourism on short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in Mercury Bay, New Zealand. Aquatic Mammals 32:1-9. PDF


Stockin KA, Weir CR, & Pierce GJ (2006). Examining the importance of Aberdeenshire (UK) coastal waters for North Sea bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86:201-207. PDF





Stockin KA & Visser IN (2005). Anomalously pigmented common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) off Northern New Zealand. Aquatic Mammals 31:43-51. PDF


Stockin KA & Burgess EA (2005). Opportunistic feeding of an adult humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) migrating along the coast of South-East Queensland, Australia. Aquatic Mammals 31:120-123. PDF


Sini M, Canning SJ, Stockin KA & Pierce GJ (2005). Bottlenose dolphins at Aberdeen harbour, NE Scotland. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 85:1547-1554. PDF



PRE 2005


Neumann DR & Orams MB (2003). Feeding behaviours of short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, in New Zealand. Aquatic Mammals 29:137-149. PDF


Neumann DR, Leitenberger A & Orams MB (2002). Photo-identification of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) along the north-east coast of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research: 593-604. PDF


Neumann DR, Russell K, Orams MB, Baker CS & Duignan P (2002). A new method for identifying mature male short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) at sea, based on the presence of a postanal hump. Aquatic Mammals 28:181-187. PDF


Neumann DR (2001). Seasonal movements of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the north-western Bay of Plenty, New Zealand: influence of sea surface temperature and El Nino/La Nina. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:371-374. PDF


Neumann DR (2001). The activity budget of free-ranging common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the northwestern Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Aquatic Mammals 27:121-136. PDF


Stockin KA, Fairbairns RS, Parsons ECM, Sims DW & Gordon JCD (2001). A note on the effects of diel and seasonal cycles on the dive duration of the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 81:189-190. PDF

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Cetacean Ecology Research Group

School of Natural Sciences

Private Bag 102 904

Albany, Auckland 0745

New Zealand / Aotearoa


Prof Karen Stockin 

      +64 21 423997


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